
3 Ways to build trust in technology

3 Ways to build trust in technology

The recent implementation of privacy labels in Apple’s App Store have ignited a new wave of discussions over privacy concerns with technology applications. Users now have greater visibility into the type of data that is collected, who that data is shared with and how it is used. 

This new label system is not just a shift from lengthy and confusing privacy policies to accessible information for the layman, it’s an indication of a much bigger theme: the public’s changing expectations towards transparency and privacy. 

Consumers and businesses are both more aware of security and privacy issues than ever before, and the slew of cyberattacks and breaches in 2020 truly solidified the understanding of consequence if these things aren’t done right. Expectations are no longer just about how companies handle security and privacy, but how transparently they communicate those protocols. Companies and developers must adapt to these changes or risk facing backlash from users and regulators alike. 

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